There’s a multitude of industry standards to be met when bringing consumer electronics products to market successfully.
Our testing team is experienced with using 3rd party tests suites for checking conformance and providing detailed test reports. We develop and maintain a fully automated testing environment for our own software, and bring this knowledge to client projects. OBS has invested in test equipment and software that allows us to test the compatibility of a product to range of industry standards most notably the DVB, DTG, NorDig and CI Plus specifications.
Our automated test environment enables products to be tested at the user level with sample products being driven via scripted IR commands, and HDMI capture used for automated analysis of the display. In addition to conformance testing, the automated test environment enables us to conduct soak and regression testing.
As well as user level testing, our team has experience with the Google Test (GTest) framework which is useful for testing at the functional level. In particular we have developed a GTest framework for validating the DTVKit DVB stack’s platform layer, or HAL. This can significantly reduce the time required to port to a new platform, enabling integration issues to be identified quickly and more straightforwardly prior to inclusion of the full DVB stack.
We also have the capability to generate our own streams for testing proprietary features, and Over-The-Air (OTA) upgrades.