Our news

OBS Migrates DTVKit’s DVB Stack to RDK 4.0

Lockdown has been a busy period for us, with the end of March seeing us abandon the office, and adapt to working from home life. We have used the time to move forward with our work on RDK, specifically the integration of the DTVKit DVB stack with the RDK software framework…

OBS support DTVKit with their DVBCore integration into RDK

OBS is pleased to announce that we have been working with DTVKit on the integration of DVB with the open source software platform, RDK. There is growing interest in RDK as a software platform for Operator set-top boxes and the integration of DTVKit’s DVBCore…

The Year Ahead

It looks like it’s going to be an exciting year ahead for OBS as we move in to 2020. With industry events to attend, projects beginning with new and existing customers, and many exciting technological developments planned.

Ocean Blue Software 2019 Overview

Ocean Blue Software has had a busy year with focus predominantly on expanding our range of services. This year has seen improvements to MHEG, CI+ 2.0, Android TV, Conditional Access Systems and research and development into RDK.

OBS teams up with Nagra and Broadcom

Ocean Blue Software (OBS), in cooperation with Nagra and Broadcom, has extended the DVB in Android integration, required to support Nagra conditional access.

OBS Upgrades the DTVKit DVB Support to Android P Treble Compliance

We have extended the DVB for Android integration to make it compatible with the Android P Treble architecture and donated it to DTVKit. As an active and founding member of DTVKit, OBS has a long track record of improving the DTVKit code base and donating those assets back to the DTVKit community. Starting with the […]

SES Industry Days
SES Industry Days 2019

Well, we made it back from the SES Industry Days 2019 in Luxemburg and, as always, it was an exciting two days catching up with the latest developments in the industry as well as friends and colleagues…