Our news

DTG Summit Overview

OBS attended the DTG Summit in London yesterday. As always it was an excellent opportunity to get an insight into the latest trends in the UK digital TV market. It was great to learn more about the issues that are affecting it today, and catch up with industry colleagues and customers.

SES Industry Days
OBS will be attending SES Luxembourg 2019

This year we will be attending SES Industry Days 2019 in Luxembourg. SES will be taking place on the 14th-15th of May in the Luxembourg Congress. It will see representatives from over 130 countries sharing their latest and innovative products…

The Future of Android TV

In the past few years, Android TV has been the hot topic in the DTV industry; it has quickly transformed the direction of our industry, everyone wants a piece of the very popular Android TV pie. Businesses are quickly trying to adapt their roadmap and strategy to ensure that they are tapping into this rapidly growing market…

Ocean Blue Software 2019 Roadmap

2018 saw the continuation of our Android TV journey; we successfully integrated DTVKit into Android TV and becoming the Android TV support members for DTVKit, alongside HARMAN. We successfully implemented a reference stack for CI Plus 1.4 ECP, and we collaborated with SERAPHIC to demonstrate an HbbTV 2.0.1 solution for Android-powered TV’s and STB’s…

Ocean Blue Software 2018 Summary

Ocean Blue Software has been busy in 2018, we have been focused on expanding and improving our range of services and products. We have recognised Android TV™ as becoming an essential platform in the digital TV industry. Therefore we made it a priority to integrate our product offering with this platform and to be able to provide expert support for it.

Ocean Blue Software Office Move and Christmas Party 2018

It has been a very busy December for Ocean Blue Software. The last few weeks have involved a lot of planning, sorting and packing in preparation for moving to a new office. Last week we moved into our new office and had settled in nicely, and we also had our 2018 Christmas party!

DTG outlines the latest UK TV industry requirements with D-Book 11

The DTG has published the latest version of the D-Book, the only universally deployed technical standards for TV and digital terrestrial television (DTT) in the UK. The D-Book is updated annually with the collaboration of industry, underpinning Freeview, YouView, Freesat, EE TV, BT TV and TalkTalk TV.

Tech Blog October 2018

We have a couple of things underway this month that are interesting. One is our first integration of the CI+ ECP reference stack with a customer. We’re excited about this one as it gives us an opportunity to finalise and test on a real hardware platform the ECP reference implementation that we implemented a little while back…